Mentee Features
We are proud of the 2018 high school graduates who are part of our program.
Mia Bowman
Graduating from Cesar Chavez Public Charter School and will be pursing a career as a licensed child care provider
Khyra Coles
Graduating from Friendship Collegiate High School and will be attending Fredrick Community College
To'Nasha Hawkins
Graduating from Thurgood Marshall Academy and will be attending Florida A&M College
Jada Pheney
Graduating from Friendship Collegiate High School and will be attending Bennett Cosmetology School
Stormiyah Denson-Jackson
We proudly recognize Stormiyah Denson-Jackson who was the 2017 Indy. B of the year. Stormiyah was a student at Seed Public Charter school and previously attended Stanton Elementary school. In addition to Indy B's, she was also a girl scout. She enjoyed school, her church, and also her family. One of the qualities that she was known for was mentoring younger girls in the Indy. B's program.
Our organization will never forget Stormiyah and misses her dearly. She will always be an Indy. B.
The Storm is never over!